Thursday 19 June 2008

Kanye West booed off stage at Bonnaroo festival

It's not something a super-sized ego like Kanye West's is used to. But after arriving onstage over an hour-and-a-half late at Bonnaroo festival in Tennessee at the weekend, the rapper was pelted with glowsticks and jeered by the crowd. Problems with his Glow In The Dark stage set were blamed for the delay, which resulted in Kanye taking to the stage at 4.30am to cries of "Kanye sucks!" A spokesman for the festival claimed the set problems occurred because of the time it took to dismantle Pearl Jam's set, which had overrun by an hour prior to West's slot.

In other Bonnaroo-related news, Metallica stormed through their Friday night slot to widespread praise, while MIA claimed her performance would be her "last show ever". However, in an interview with following the gig, the rapper made it clear her retirement wasn't permanent, saying: "I'm canceling because I feel like physically I just have to stop for a second." MIA said instead she would concentrate on writing new material, as well as some domestic activities. "Now and again you finally just want to be gardening and get your nails done or something like that."

See Also

Tuesday 10 June 2008

Victoria Beckham Boobs At Fashion Awards

Victoria Beckham gave Sarah Jessica Parker a run for her money in the flamboyant fashion stakes at last night’s Council of Fashion Designer of America awards.

The former Spice Girl and self-proclaimed style icon attended the event wearing one of Marc Jacobs’ more eye-catching creations – but it wasn’t just the plague of chiffon hearts that made up her mini dress that was turning heads.

From certain angles, guests including Kim Cattrall, Hilary Duff, Ashley Olsen and P-Diddy were faced with more of Posh than they had probably bargained for, complete with surgery scars.
On the plus side, she did manage a half-smile at one point, which kind of suited her.

Victoria presented the industry’s top honour to Calvin Klein, alongside pal Eva Mendes and Maggie Gyllenhaal at the event.

Click here for the pictures.

Wednesday 4 June 2008

Russell Watson speaks of tumour fears

Opera singer Russell Watson has spoken about how he lives in fear that his brain tumour will return again.
The renowned singer, who was treated for a pituitary gland tumour twice,  told 'Tonight' that his illness has changed his life forever.
Watson said: "I know that I'll never be able to just get on with my life again. It's always going to be there... there's always going to be that fear."
The singer said that when he found out that the tumour had returned he thought: "Oh my God, I'm dead."
Speaking about his family, he said: "I think for the children it's been a difficult year. They've had to see me in a condition that I don't think that that's something that any parent would want their child to see or experience."
"They're very protective over me, they don't want anyone coming near me," he said.
The 'Tonight' programme 'Russell Watson - Fighting For Life' is due to be screened tomorrow night on ITV.