Wednesday 4 June 2008

Russell Watson speaks of tumour fears

Opera singer Russell Watson has spoken about how he lives in fear that his brain tumour will return again.
The renowned singer, who was treated for a pituitary gland tumour twice,  told 'Tonight' that his illness has changed his life forever.
Watson said: "I know that I'll never be able to just get on with my life again. It's always going to be there... there's always going to be that fear."
The singer said that when he found out that the tumour had returned he thought: "Oh my God, I'm dead."
Speaking about his family, he said: "I think for the children it's been a difficult year. They've had to see me in a condition that I don't think that that's something that any parent would want their child to see or experience."
"They're very protective over me, they don't want anyone coming near me," he said.
The 'Tonight' programme 'Russell Watson - Fighting For Life' is due to be screened tomorrow night on ITV.